Wallet to Mobile

Use this endpoint to transfer funds from a wallet to a mobile phone number

Wallet to Mobile

POST https://sandbox.temboplus.com/tembo/v1/payment/wallet-to-mobile

This endpoint facilitates the transfer of funds from either a customer wallet or your disbursement wallet to a mobile subscriber. It's important to note that only customer wallets and disbursement wallets are eligible for this type of transaction. You cannot initiate fund transfers from your collection wallet to a mobile subscriber.

If you need to retrieve the account number for your disbursement wallet, you can make use of the "Main Balance" endpoint. This endpoint will provide you with your main (disbursement) account number.


Request Body

  "statusCode": "PENDING_ACK",
  "transactionRef": "20f807fe-3ee8-4525-8aff-ccb95de38250",
  "transactionId": "X50jcLD-U"
curl --request POST \
  --url https://sandbox.temboplus.com/tembo/v1/payment/wallet-to-mobile \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'x-account-id: ff6IfxxVceIMM6oFAc9Zig' \
  --header 'x-secret-key: HYX5X4is3a4bnJJo4lXM936bFD6B8iMeAtXijNvHXMI==' \
  --header 'x-request-id: 546d7a200cd8cb45d8ac'
  --data '{
	"countryCode": "TZ",
	"accountNo": "70089773",
	"serviceCode": "TZ-TIGO-B2C",
	"amount": 1000,
	"msisdn": "255713809050",
	"narration": "MOBILE PAYOUT",
	"currencyCode": "TZS",
	"recipientNames": "Alex Kaiza",
	"transactionRef": "20f807fe-3ee8-4525-8aff-ccb95de38250",
	"transactionDate": "2023-02-16 17:00:01",
	"callbackUrl": "http://example.com/webhook"

Last updated